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The ESG stands for Environmental (environmental friendliness), Social (social responsibility), Governance (responsible corporate governance).

Original Group is committed to ESG's business development principles and takes responsibility for their phased implementation.

Experts from the design office, which is part of Original Group investment and technology holding, develop innovative products to solve social, environmental and infrastructural problems.



The world's energy demand outstrips the production of renewable and non-renewable resources. Information and communications technology is the fastest growing energy sector. It turns out to be both part of this problem and the key to solving it.

In 2021, we laid down environmental principles that our holding will follow over the next 5 years:

  • Choosing green providers and suppliers that are aiming at reducing their carbon footprint and using alternative energy sources, or nuclear power.
  • Optimizing logistics and minimizing business trips while increasing their efficiency.
  • Reducing the paperwork amount in the office.
  • Promoting eco-initiatives among employees and clients.

Original Group's initiative to clean up the Kazanka River



In 2021, Original Group is working to increase the team independence and integrity, promote the talents and internal entrepreneurship development, create transparent relationships within the company, and develop the competencies of the future.

We provide affordable jobs in 10 regions of Russia and attract specialists with unique technical competencies from all over the country.

We develop corporate traditions of opinions and ideas free exchange. It is with this goal in mind that a corporate library and book club began operating in 2021.

Many of our team members are public and accessible to the media, which gives access to their expertise not only for the Original Group, but for the entire professional community.

Our goal is an open knowledge system that enriches the world of technology with innovation, and the life of talented people with meaning. Together with the team, we are engaged in the popularization of ideas that allow information systems and equipment market consumers and suppliers to find a balance of interests.



For 15 years now, Original Group has been constantly developing its corporate governance system. The company's flagship projects help market participants to ensure business processes transparency for regulators, partners and consumers.

Original Group holding 15th anniversary activities report

ESG agency website. Read more.
